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Rate Case Strategy and Management

Copyright ©2022 EUCI

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A core competency of public utility management is the management of the rate case process, requiring expertise and experience in regulation as demonstrated in successful rate case outcomes. However, it is recognized that in some instances there may be a significant time lapse between rate case filings. Consequently, during these long periods of inactivity the regulated utility may experience a loss of institutional knowledge at the rate case manager level due to retirements, promotions, or transfers.

This course is designed to be a refresher course for new staff or those who may simply be a bit “out of practice”. Attendees will review and discuss:

  • The necessary elements and steps leading up to the filing of a public utility rate case
  • The procedural steps and pitfalls during the rate case proceeding
  • Significance of approaches to the key issues
  • How to assess potential risks
  • Real time rate case management considerations.

Special discounted rates apply if you bring your team so register today and take advantage of this valuable one-day training session!

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the key aspects and risks in a rate case filing
  • Review the sequence of steps in rate case filing preparation
  • Discuss the roles of the utilities and other key rate case participants
  • Master techniques in monitoring and assessing successful performance during the rate case
  • Identify and anticipate the challenges and concerns from other stakeholder perspectives


Instructor Branko Terzic

The Honorable Branko Terzic’s regulatory experience includes service as a Commissioner on the State of Wisconsin Public Service Commission (WPSC) and as a Commissioner on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FERC). His rate case experience also includes serving as the Chairman, President and CEO of a regulated utility and appearing as an expert witness in public utility proceedings.

Branko Terzic is a Nonresident Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center and Distinguished Fellow at the Council on Competitiveness. As a consultant Terzic served as; Executive Director of the Deloitte Center for Energy Solutions, Managing Director of Arthur Andersen, Group Vice President of AUS Consultants, and special investigations engineer at Wisconsin Electric Power Co.  He was a member of the National Petroleum Council and National Coal Council. Currently a faculty member of the Washington Campus consortium of 16 MBA colleges, a founder of the Society of Depreciation Professionals. Branko Terzic holds a BS in Energy Engineering and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Sciences in Engineering degree, both from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.