Effective Regulation or Not? By Branko Terzic How does one measure the effectiveness of a regulatory agency? That question, after over 100 years of experience…
Author: Branko Terzic & Associates
Of Hobgoblins and Forecasts By Branko Terzic How many times have you heard that the quote “Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds” as attributed…
The Commons of Atmosphere By Branko Terzic A wealthy society, one that is fully electrified with adequate, reliable and reasonably priced electricity from fossil,…
Myhrvold on Overlooked Options By Branko Terzic “Mankind isn’t capable of reducing emissions enough to keep temperatures from rising unacceptably.” That premise is introduced…
One Piece of Advice By Branko Terzic Famed hotelier Conrad Hilton, appearing on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, in the 1990’s when asked…
Branko Terzić , Serbian engineer and honorary doctor of energy, member of the crown council and aide to the heir to the throne Aleksandar Karađorđević.…
Find out more and register at https://www.euci.com/event_post/0123-rate-case-strategy/ A core competency of public utility management is the management of the rate case process, requiring expertise and…
Original Posting © Politika Online Politika Newspapers and Magazines Trg Politika 1, Belgrade, Serbia December, 14.10.2022. at 13:14 (https://www.politika.rs/scc/clanak/520944/Amerika-nema-dovoljno-gasa-za-Evropu) America does not have enough gas…
Original Posting Kenneth W. Costello, Features of good utility-initiated energy assistance, Energy Policy, Volume 139, 2020, 111345, ISSN 0301-4215, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111345. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421520301026) Abstract: This paper identifies…
Original Post Electric Power Resilience: The Challenges for Utilities and Regulators Kenneth W. CostelloNovember 8, 2019 © 2023 Yale Journal on Regulation (https://www.yalejreg.com/bulletin/electric-power-resilience-the-challenges-for-utilities-and-regulators/) Few…